This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than
200 followers...the award is then passed along to other bloggers in the
same category to help spread the word and support one another.
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the
award to and link them in your post. 4. Go back to their page and tell
them about the award.
5. No tag backs.
11 Random Facts:
1. The Volume (on anything and everything) has to be on an even number. HAS TO!
2. I'm a phone case hoarder. I love to buy phone cases and I have about a million. I'm not even sure why because it's not like you can use more than 1 at a time.
3. I'm addicted to buying underwear. Seriously. I have so many.
4. I dye my hair a dark red (cherry cola-ish is how I describe it) and when it fades it keeps a pretty decent "ginger" color so I pretty much get referred to as a ginger at least once a day. My hair is naturally a dirty blonde/ strawberry blonde in the summer but in my opinion, that's not a true "ginger".
5. My biggest insecurity is the paleness of my skin. Which is why I fake and bake. I know it's bad for you but it REALLY boosts my self confidence and makes me feel so refreshed. I used to get made fun of for it when I was younger.
6. I pretty much raised my baby sister for the first 4/5 years of her life. Which is why we are so close.
7. I straighten my hair basically every day and have since I was in 7th grade. I secretly loathe doing it. So time consuming!!
8. I'm too nice. I should learn to say no more often.
9. I rarely watch movies because I get so bored about 20 minutes in. Even if it's something I'd enjoy I just hate to sit around doing nothing. I feel so bum-y!
10. I won't drink anything alcoholic unless I can't taste the alcohol. If it tastes like juice I'll drink it all damn day. If I can taste too much of the alcohol, I cannot for the life of me stomach it.
My 11 Questions
1. What is one of your favorite items in your home?
What Home? haha no but seriously let's just say my favorite item in general because I'm currently living in the middle of two places... I'd probably have to say my irish claddah ring from my grandmother.
2. Favorite country song?
I'm not a huge country music fan but I do love me some Carrie Underwood. So anything by her.
3. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
I honestly can't remember. I should change this.
4. What would you fight for?
My family and my relationship.
5. Who are the 5 people you hang out with the most?
Let's see.. Chad, His mom, His step dad, My bed and my co-workers. The sad life of Danielle everybody ;D
6. What are your long and short term goals?
Short term - I just need to get a serious job and get my shit together forreal!
Long term - I want to finish school with a degree to something that I love doing. Have a beautiful house and family and live happily ever after. Okay but seriously, I just want to accomplish something.
7. Other than family, who is the biggest role model in your life?
I don't have any other than family. My mother and grandmother and that's seriously it.
8. Are you living your life to the best of your ability or are you settling?
I'm not settling because I'm still on a journey to find out what's best for me, specifically. But at the moment I am def not living my life to the best of my ability.
9. What are your travel dreams?
Italy, Caribbean, pretty much anywhere sunny beautiful and warm... ahhhhh
10. If money wasn't an issue, what would your dream job be?
If only I knew. It'd make things a lot easier.
11. Favorite holiday?
4th of July. Cuz it's warm, it's fun, it's laid back, a day to celebrate America and also because it's my Anniversary as well. I'm sure this will change with time though. I think Christmas and Thanksgiving will be much more fun when all of my sibilings are older and have careers, homes and children. I'm one of seven so yeah.... imagine that craziness. I hope one of us has a nice home to celebrate in!
11 Questions for Others
1. What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
2. What celeb would you like to trade lives with for a day?
3. What do you hope to gain from the blogging experience?
4. What's your definition of a best friend?
5. If you had quadruplets what names would you pick out for them? (you can choose the combination of boys and girls)
6. Do you regret anything in your life?
7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
8. What has been your favorite job so far?
9.Have you ever thought about joining the military?
10. If you won 100 million dollars in the lottery what would you spend it on?
11.Favorite Color?
I tag:
Anyone who wants to do this. I only have 6 followers so I'm not going to tag anyone haha!
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