Thursday, April 4, 2013

That Interview thing...

I've been feeling pretty down this week and couldn't bring myself to blog. Sometimes I just get stuck in a rut and feel like I have nothing to talk about except negative feelings and I really try to keep those bottled up.

The main reason for this "blah" like feeling is I had three interviews between last Tuesday and this past Monday for the same place. I have been on quite a few interviews recently (really who hasn't?) and these interviews in particular left me with a really good positive feeling and I was really feeling like I got the job. Now before I go on let me just say that it is not 100% that I didn't get the job, but the longer time goes on, the more I start to feel negative about it. Yeah, I know... this is one of my biggest issues in life. I'm working on it.

So basically the first interview went great. She contacted me within 12 hours asking when a good time to set up the second interview would be. The second interview was scheduled for 2 days after the first (Thursday the 28th) with a manager at a different store. I drove 45 minutes away and was late to work just for this interview. It seemed to go really well and I, again, left feeling very positive. That night went by, heard nothing. "No big deal", I thought. "There's always tomorrow" and I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Woke up Friday lounged around and went to work. My phone was on loud all day and barely left my side. At around 7:30pm I received a call and voicemail from a number I didn't recognize. My heart was feeling so happy. Even though we were busy and I was basically working my zone by myself I decided to risk running to the bathroom and listening to the voicemail quickly to see if it was bad news or good news. It wasn't the news I was hoping for but it was... progressing news I guess you would say. A guy left me a message asking me to come in for the final 3rd interview and left me with directions to call him back and let him know what time was good on Monday or Tuesday. Quickly, I made sure my tables were satisfied and ran to the bathroom to give this guy a call back. Monday at 12noon it was.

All weekend I was feeling pretty hopeful. Three interviews has to mean something right? Why would she send me around for all these interviews if she didn't like me. I tried my hardest to stay as positive as possible all weekend long. Finally, It's Monday morning and I'm getting ready to head to my interview. This manager was so cool and so laid back and even told me that because I've already been put through two interviews at this point let's just "pretend we're chatting over coffee." Okay, no problem. He did say that I had to impress him in order to move on though so I put my big girl panties on and did my best. As we were walking back to the store or for me my car (we interviewed in the food court) he told me that he completely understood why the last two people to interview me liked me. I asked him if that was good and he said of course and assured me that 3 interviews means good things but that he wasn't the deciding manager so he couldn't tell me anything for sure. That was good enough for me. To know that they liked me and that I was "likely getting the job" gave me a huge feeling of confidence and I even said for the first time "I think I got the job" WHICH I NEVER SAY. EVER.

If you've been on interviews you know that they are sometimes so HARD to read. Sometimes what seems to go very very well winds up not being the job for you. Sometimes what seems to go just "okay" and you don't have any feeling towards it winds up being the job you get. About 2 weeks prior to getting a call from this prospective job I went on another interview for an Assistant Manager position at Hot Topic. The interview went SO well. The guy flat out told me that he liked me, liked what I had to say and would love to see me on the team. 24 hours after this interview I got a call that they were no longer going to be pursuing me. I cried. It had gone so well why didn't they want me on the team anymore? I was so confused. Turned out that they had already hired an entire management staff and they were looking for sales associates. They only said they were hiring management to entice people who are good at customer service (obviously) and have had more experience in sales. Which I had a feeling something was weird because he asked me during the phone interview and in-person interview if I would be interested in an associate position. To which I responded very profession and politely that it would depend on the hours I might be getting and my pay because I feel that I have more experience than the normal sales associate. He told me he was totally understanding of that and felt the same way. Obviously, they knew offering me 10hrs a week wouldn't satisfy me and probably hired some high school kid. But that's okay because I really didn't want a sales associate position. I am more qualified than that.

Anyways back on topic. I woke up to a voice mail yesterday from the lady at the first initial interview asking for references. So after three interviews now she wants references. Okay, no problem. Feeling a little annoyed that I still don't know if I have the job yet but fine I'll comply and hope this means good things. She supposedly called my references yesterday morning and I still have yet to hear anything from her. I know it's early still and I'd say if I hear nothing by tomorrow it means the inevitable but after waiting so long for that hopeful phone call and you just keep getting a "we need more" type call you start to feel discouraged. And that's basically how I'm feeling at this point.

I know that this isn't the end of the road and I know that if this isn't meant to be that there's something out there that IS but at this present time I'm just having a hard time understanding why. Why I try so hard and seemingly get no where? Why I'm just trying to find a place that respects me and values me and appreciates what I do but so far not getting anywhere.

I read a lot about trusting in God's timing and I have to say I've been pretty strong all week. I've been very "If it's meant to be it will be". But this patience and this wondering why is starting to get to me and I'm feeling weak.

Anyone have an positive stories that may not have started out very positive? I'd love to hear them. I need to feel some hope.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I can't believe....

Linking up with Robin @ The Sunshine Diary today!
I can't believe ... that March is almost over. I feel like it just started! Time is flying! It's decently warm here today and it's putting me in such a good mood. I am definitely a warm weather type girl.
I can't believe ... Chad woke me up this morning and suggested we go for a run. We did and then proceeded to do ab workouts for a half hour. I'm pooped but feel so refreshed. I missed the way I felt after a good workout.
I can't believe ... I have to drive 45 minutes for a second interview tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that this only means good things!
I can't believe ... how delicious these honey wheat bagels we bought the other day are. I'm not usually a "honey-anything" type person but yum!
I can't believe ... I know I already basically said this but I seriously can't believe how awesome I feel after working out. I feel so positive today. I think it also helps that I got this second interview tomorrow and I'm really hoping and praying good things are coming.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Change of Name

I've decided to renew my blog into a much more positive place. My original blog name? Seemed lazy. My past posts? Seemed lazy. Then I realized how lazy I really am sometimes. Then I realized how being lazy isn't helping me at all. So I've decided to refresh my little space of internet. I'm currently on my pursuit of happiness. I mean aren't we all? But in the past almost two years now things have just been going down hill. Too much and too fast. I feel like I really need to get out there and explore myself and who I am and find what makes me happy... what makes me tick.
Often times I beat myself up because I don't know what I want to do with my life. I don't feel as if college is for me and I don't have a "bright future" planned at this point. I'm working as a server in a place I pretty much hate and I'm job searching like crazy. But it doesn't feel as if I'm getting anywhere. I feel stuck. I feel like maybe there just isn't a path for me. And I HATE feeling like that.
I know that it's okay to not always know what you want and where your going. And sometimes as hard as it is you just sort of have to sit down, shut up and enjoy the music on the ride. Lately, I've been feeling as if I need to just trust in God's plan for me and believe that even if I feel so lost sometimes he does have a plan for me. There's a reason I'm on this earth. There's plenty of things I am good at. There's plenty of reason to push forward and to find my niche in life. So I'm trying my best to keep my head up and to wait for God's timing and God's plan.
I can't say it's easy. And I can't say that I don't question things at times. But I feel that I'm doing all that I can do. And I just need to leave it up to God now.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

I'm back and linking up with my weekend shenanigans. This weekend was nothing short of awesome... If awesome means uneventful and boring. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of working a Monday -Friday 9-5 type job (ohhh how I wish) and instead I'm a server and weekends are the most stressful, hectic and crazy times for a restaurant. But it's the only days you actually make money at this time of year. Or so that's how it's supposed to be but I work at a restaurant that doesn't quite have it together therefor, I don't make anywhere near as much as I should. (or how much other servers at other restaurants make) Friday Chad and I slept in a little later then usual and lounged around for the rest of the day. I went into work at 4 and we weren't busy much at all so I was out of there by 930. Well, I would have been out much sooner but my partner wasn't into helping with cleaning our section or doing our side work so what usually would take about 30-40 minutes to finish took me an hour and a half because homegirl did not want to help me whatsoever... So I did it alone. When I got home it was almost 10 and Chad was disappointed that I got out so late after getting cut. (I was cut at 8 and text him to let him know I'll be out soon...but I didn't leave till 9:30)

Slightly messy but a free self manicure? Can't beat that.
Little did I know but he wanted to go see a movie at 10. So I checked the time of the movie on my fandango app real quick and realized the movie time was actually 10:20. We had plenty of time. So I quick threw on some sweatpants and we headed to the local theater. We saw Olympus has Fallen and let me just say it was GREAT. Seriously, I'm a fan of Gerard Butler (Hello ;] ) so that was most of the reason I had agreed to go but I also was hearing great reviews so I was actually intrigued. It was a really great action packed movie. Seriously ladies, you will enjoy it. I didn't find myself bored at any point and I have a short attention span so usually I get bored in movies VERY easily but I was very interested and very entertained. Go see it!

Work Shirts are sexy. & Mostly what Chad did when he wasn't working.
Don't think I've mentioned it yet but Chad got an awesome job at a shooting range literally 5 minutes from our apartment as a safety instructor. What a perfect job for a infantry man. So Saturday and Sunday Chad had to work 9:30 - 6. And I had to work at 6pm on Saturday. So this left me for a lot of "me" time this weekend. Saturday I lounged. I watched a little Kim and Kourtney take Miami marathon, painted my nails, ate some yogurt and pineapple and then went to work at 6pm where I made barely anything and was getting screwed over by fellow co-workers so I left feeling pretty discouraged. Sunday picked up taco night items and then headed up to my dads to pick up my laptop finally. After, I came home prepared for dinner and started making some changes on the blog. (Which I'm still in the process of working on.) Chad came home around 6, we ate dinner, watched Once Upon A Time and lounged around until bedtime. There you have it, my wonderful weekend.


Sunday, March 24, 2013


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

To anyone still reading...

Well, my computer took an unexpected turn for the worst and had a huge meltdown.  Luckily, I have a computer tech father so he redid my whole laptop and even put some pretty cool programs on it for me. So, I am back and here to stay. But please be patient with me because I've also decided to give my blog a much needed makeover. Thank you for being patient!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hayden turns one! (Weekend Review)

 My dad took most of the pictures on his fancy shmancy camera so for now you'll have to settle for instagram/iphone pictures

What was my weekend like? Well I'm glad you asked because it was ever so fab! (obviously that's why I've come here to tell you about it.) Alright, I'm only kidding my weekend was actually fairly boring. I had off work Saturday for the first time in a long time because I had to go to my niece's first birthday party. I was excited to have a Saturday night off for once but it was just the wrong Saturday. Chad had drill this weekend and on drill weekends he's an absolute party pooper. In bed by 9pm if not earlier. I mean I get he's tired it just sucks for me. Also, I really could have used the money this weekend so staying home watching some SVU and Chicago Fire and then scheduling some blog posts was all I could really do.

My Niece Hayden's 1st Birthday party was fun though. She's an absolutely adorable little girl and she's getting to that really fun age. I was "chasing" her telling her "I'm gonna get you" and she would giggle for hours. Sometimes she would even run to Uncle Chad to "save her" it was so adorable. She got so many fun outfits. I just love little girls. Sometimes I think I'd be truly disappointed if I could for some reason only have boys in the future. No really, I would be. I know I'd love my boys but ahhh I just love the adorable little outfits for little girls and the idea of mother/daughter dates. But then again, I've seen some seriously handsome boy outfits too and a mother/son date would be fun too. Anyways, totally off subject here but whatevs I can do that. It was a fun party. I hope it was all a one year old could ever dream of.

Sunday I spent some time at my dad's so he could look at my laptop and install a photo program for me. After Chad got out of drill we went over to his brothers for dinner. And that pretty much sums it up.

There you have it folks, my very interesting weekend.
How was your weekends?


Friday, February 22, 2013

When Guys Hang Out

This weekend Chad's army buddies that live fairly close decided to drive up for the weekend and well... drink.Not that they needed a reason but, Chad's birthday is this coming Wednesday (the 27th, same as my moms, in case you needed to know that) and for the past 3 years he's either been training in the field for two weeks or in Afghanistan for his birthday. So, obviously, this birthday calls for an all out celebration. I am thrilled to have 3 grown men (who don't want to grow up) here drinking for the weekend. Really I am. Okay okay.. can you sense my sarcasm? Alright, I shall suck it up for the birthday boy. So in the 3 hours that these boys have been in my apartment I have noticed something, thus inspired to write a blog post about it. Cuz that's what normal people do right?
source: google images

I don't know about you guys, but in my experience, when girls hang out it tends to go a little something like loads of talking, gossiping, catching up, boy chatter, laughing, couple of cocktails maybe even a trip to the bar but there's loads of talking correct?

 source: google images

With Guys? Not so much. It truly amazes me that they can sit together and watch TV, movies or play video games FOR HOURS and that is their "bonding time". Sometimes not even a word is uttered. I. Just. Don't. Get. It. Am I the only one? Not only that, but they make fun of each other constantly and burp, fart or talk about bodily functions constantly. I know that guys are a very different breed from women but holy hell. 

How do they like.. connect? Or maybe that's it! Maybe guys really are emotionless people so there's really no NEED to connect. Maybe that's why they pretty much get along with everybody. Or maybe this is just a military thing? I have heard that military guys together is much different and I can honestly say that seems to be true. But still, I don't get it. How is sitting in silence in front of a TV for hours and not speaking "fun"? Maybe it's just me... But I can't watch TV for long unless it's something I'm truly interested in. I get bored of things fast and I get antsy. But when my boyfriend plays video games he can literally sit there for HOURS without getting up to stretch, pee, get something to drink, etc. 

Let's just add this to the list of things that I don't understand about guys.
This list is getting long. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We moved!

I'm such a fail at blogging. But guess what?

We did it a little ahead of schedule but we were handed such an awesome opportunity on an apartment that we couldn't not take it. Now I have an actual HOME and a place to sit on my laptop and write in my blog. Also, I'm getting a late Christmas gift soon that will hopefully also be the motivation I need to get this blog going. So please, be patient there is plenty of things to come! Promise!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Let's see...

- I'm loving that I made $60 at work tonight when it seemed like everyone else I was working with was making much less.

- I'm loving Chocolate Xtreme Blizzards from Dairy Queen. OH MY GOD. 

- I'm loving my change of schedule at work.

- I'm loving that school resumes on Monday for me. While I don't particularly love school (at all) I got screwed out of last semester because my college likes to loose paperwork pretty often so I'm relieved that all my paperwork went through. Plus I'll feel like I actually have some what of a purpose and not just wasting my days away by sleeping until 11am :-x

- I'm loving "Once upon a time" it's a tv show and if you've never heard of it or watched it go do it now! Seriously. Now.

- I'm loving when someone who's wronged you in the past comes to you an apologizes and it's actually sincere.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

That time no landlords would accept our pup!

Being Chad and I are planning to move within the next 4/5 months I have started to keep my eyes open to what's being offered apartment wise. I've been browsing for quite some time now being I was actually going to try and live with a couple friends this past summer and while there are some pretty decent places for rent around here NO ONE WANTS OUR DOG. Seriously. It's basically impossible to find a decently priced place to rent with a dog. I get that dogs can cause damage to properties and they want to be careful with their precious properties but KIDS CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TOO! I mean are they going to start putting a "No children" rule on properties? Or charge an arm and a leg extra to let people with children move in? I don't think so.I mean, Jax is a really awesomely trained dog, if I do say so myself *pats self on back* and he's crate trained so he'd never be roaming around our apartment when we aren't home. His only issue is that he jumps when he gets excited but we work on it whenever he's with us. (He's currently living with my grandmother being I don't exactly have a home to keep him with me in) I know that this is not the case for everyone that these landlords have ever rented to but sometimes I wish they'd keep more of an open mind. One person always ruins it for the rest of us! But it shouldn't be that way.

 I mean seriously how could you say no to this dapper looking fella

I really had no inspiration for a blog today for some reason so this is what you get I guess. Ah well! Here's to a better blog post tomorrow.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Liebster Award

Thank you to Caitlin @ Letters and Lattes for this Award !!
This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers...the award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post. 4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.
11 Random Facts: 
1. The Volume (on anything and everything) has to be on an even number. HAS TO!
2. I'm a phone case hoarder. I love to buy phone cases and I have about a million. I'm not even sure why because it's not like you can use more than 1 at a time.
3. I'm addicted to buying underwear. Seriously. I have so many.
4. I dye my hair a dark red (cherry cola-ish is how I describe it) and when it fades it keeps a pretty decent "ginger" color so I pretty much get referred to as a ginger at least once a day. My hair is naturally a dirty blonde/ strawberry blonde in the summer but in my opinion, that's not a true "ginger".
5. My biggest insecurity is the paleness of my skin. Which is why I fake and bake. I know it's bad for you but it REALLY boosts my self confidence and makes me feel so refreshed. I used to get made fun of for it when I was younger.
6. I pretty much raised my baby sister for the first 4/5 years of her life. Which is why we are so close.
7. I straighten my hair basically every day and have since I was in 7th grade. I secretly loathe doing it. So time consuming!!
8. I'm too nice. I should learn to say no more often.
9. I rarely watch movies because I get so bored about 20 minutes in. Even if it's something I'd enjoy I just hate to sit around doing nothing. I feel so bum-y!
10. I won't drink anything alcoholic unless I can't taste the alcohol. If it tastes like juice I'll drink it all damn day. If I can taste too much of the alcohol, I cannot for the life of me stomach it.

My 11 Questions

1. What is one of your favorite items in your home? 
What Home? haha no but seriously let's just say my favorite item in general because I'm currently living in the middle of two places... I'd probably have to say my irish claddah ring from my grandmother.

2. Favorite country song? 
I'm not a huge country music fan but I do love me some Carrie Underwood. So anything by her.
3. When was the last time you did something for the first time? 
I honestly can't remember. I should change this.
4. What would you fight for? 
My family and my relationship.
5. Who are the 5 people you hang out with the most? 
Let's see.. Chad, His mom, His step dad, My bed and my co-workers. The sad life of Danielle everybody ;D
6. What are your long and short term goals?
Short term - I just need to get a serious job and get my shit together forreal!
Long term - I want to finish school with a degree to something that I love doing. Have a beautiful house and family and live happily ever after. Okay but seriously, I just want to accomplish something.
7. Other than family, who is the biggest role model in your life? 
I don't have any other than family. My mother and grandmother and that's seriously it.
8. Are you living your life to the best of your ability or are you settling? 
I'm not settling because I'm still on a journey to find out what's best for me, specifically. But at the moment I am def not living my life to the best of my ability.
9. What are your travel dreams? 
Italy, Caribbean, pretty much anywhere sunny beautiful and warm... ahhhhh
10. If money wasn't an issue, what would your dream job be? 
If only I knew. It'd make things a lot easier.
11. Favorite holiday? 
4th of July. Cuz it's warm, it's fun, it's laid back, a day to celebrate America and also because it's my Anniversary as well. I'm sure this will change with time though. I think Christmas and Thanksgiving will be much more fun when all of my sibilings are older and have careers, homes and children. I'm one of seven so yeah.... imagine that craziness. I hope one of us has a nice home to celebrate in!

11 Questions for Others
1. What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
2. What celeb would you like to trade lives with for a day?
3. What do you hope to gain from the blogging experience?
4. What's your definition of a best friend?
5. If you had quadruplets what names would you pick out for them? (you can choose the combination of boys and girls)
6. Do you regret anything in your life?
7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
8. What has been your favorite job so far?
9.Have you ever thought about joining the military?
10. If you won 100 million dollars in the lottery what would you spend it on?
11.Favorite Color?
I tag:
Anyone who wants to do this. I only have 6 followers so I'm not going to tag anyone haha!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Holidays 2012 : A Life Update

Christmas this year was nice. I spent Christmas eve during the day accompanying my dad on some last minute shopping (He waits till Christmas Eve every year) and then I spent the night with Chad and his family at his grandparents. Chad and I exchanged gifts Christmas Eve like we've done every year. He got me boot socks that I've been wanting and searching for, a curling wand and seasons 7,8 and 9 of One Tree Hill to complete my collection. I gave him his Timberland boots he's been wanting, a hat and an Eagles sweatshirt that he actually got back in November when we went to an Eagles game. It was a good Christmas for us both.

 L. My boots and Boot socks I got for Christmas R. Our new Superman PJ pants. (Chad and I got the same ones from his Mom)
We came home and watched True Blood (Quite possibly my favorite show ever and Chad's now addicted) and went to bed fairly early. Got up on Christmas day and went over to Chad's Grandparents where most of his family was gathering. Exchanged gifts with his brother and brothers girlfriend and ate some lunch/early dinner. After that we said our goodbyes and headed over to my dad's / my dad's girlfriend's. We ate dinner and exchanged some more gifts.
L. My Brother Mikey, My Niece Hayden and Chad. R. My Dad, His Girlfriend, Robin and Hayden
Myself and Hayden opening presents and playing with her new toy.

L. Hayden R. My dad and Hayden

 After spending some time and having dinner, dessert and coffee with my Dad and that whole side of the family chad and I said our goodbyes again and started our 4 hour journey to Maryland to spend a couple days with my mom, my little brothers and my baby sister.

The backseat of my car!

We didn't get to Maryland till almost midnight so everyone was pretty much sleeping. Knowing the kids would be waking us as soon as they got up to show us all the things Santa brought them we headed to bed. Sure enough just before 9am Mackenzie was sitting on top of me with pretty much half her new toys showing me everything while my eyes were just barely open. We lounged around playing games and exploring their new toys for awhile. Had some breakfast and eventually started showering and getting dressed for the day.

 T. Mackenzie playing on chads phone. B. Chad, AJ and Bryan playing video games.

 She got those ear muffs for christmas and would not take them off for anything. As you can see, we painted her nails!

 Being silly and wasting time waiting for my mom and older sister to get there!

 Mackenzie and I decided while we were bored to put as many flower clips in Chad's hair as we could. I used to work at Claire's so Mackenzie has a crapload of hair accessories. (50% off discount how could I not?)

Once my mom finally got home from work and my oldest sister got there with her son we exchanged more gifts and had some lunch. After all the craziness was over the adults sat down and decided if we were gonna go do something for the night or hang out at the house. We all decided to go get some energy out where the adults could enjoy too. So we went to Dave and Busters had some drinks and played some arcade games. Really I just walked around with Chad and Mackenzie and helped them both play. Chad was nice enough to put all his tickets with Mackenzie. When she realized how many tickets they had all together she was ecstatic.
 One of the machines didn't print tickets when Mackenzie won so we got a guy to come check it out and it was out of tickets. Once he put tickets in it, it wouldn't stop printing! I think other people played on it too but didn't ask anyone to check it so it had been backed up for it a bit! 
 The rest of our time there was spent just hanging out and a trip to the mall so the kids could run off some steam in this bounce house place that Maryland has so conveniently placed in one of their malls. Chad and I left on Friday back to PA being I had to work at 3pm that day.  New years was extremely low key for us. To be honest, If you haven't figured it out already, I'm really not a huge party type person. So I was perfectly content with laying in bed with my handsome man. I don't really feel like New Years is anything amazing. I believe in setting goals for yourself, but not the "I'm a failure if I don't complete this goals" type goals and that's about it. So I leave you with some pictures from the holiday season. I hope all your holidays were wonderful.

T. Chad, Myself, (step-sister) Stephanie and her date.
B. My dad, his girlfriend Robin, Myself and Chad at Robin's work Christmas party.


  Chad and I (and my brother Mikey) waiting for Dinner to be ready on Christmas day
 L to R - Stephanie's date, Stephanie, Robin,My Aunt, My dad, Myself and Chad.