Friday, February 22, 2013

When Guys Hang Out

This weekend Chad's army buddies that live fairly close decided to drive up for the weekend and well... drink.Not that they needed a reason but, Chad's birthday is this coming Wednesday (the 27th, same as my moms, in case you needed to know that) and for the past 3 years he's either been training in the field for two weeks or in Afghanistan for his birthday. So, obviously, this birthday calls for an all out celebration. I am thrilled to have 3 grown men (who don't want to grow up) here drinking for the weekend. Really I am. Okay okay.. can you sense my sarcasm? Alright, I shall suck it up for the birthday boy. So in the 3 hours that these boys have been in my apartment I have noticed something, thus inspired to write a blog post about it. Cuz that's what normal people do right?
source: google images

I don't know about you guys, but in my experience, when girls hang out it tends to go a little something like loads of talking, gossiping, catching up, boy chatter, laughing, couple of cocktails maybe even a trip to the bar but there's loads of talking correct?

 source: google images

With Guys? Not so much. It truly amazes me that they can sit together and watch TV, movies or play video games FOR HOURS and that is their "bonding time". Sometimes not even a word is uttered. I. Just. Don't. Get. It. Am I the only one? Not only that, but they make fun of each other constantly and burp, fart or talk about bodily functions constantly. I know that guys are a very different breed from women but holy hell. 

How do they like.. connect? Or maybe that's it! Maybe guys really are emotionless people so there's really no NEED to connect. Maybe that's why they pretty much get along with everybody. Or maybe this is just a military thing? I have heard that military guys together is much different and I can honestly say that seems to be true. But still, I don't get it. How is sitting in silence in front of a TV for hours and not speaking "fun"? Maybe it's just me... But I can't watch TV for long unless it's something I'm truly interested in. I get bored of things fast and I get antsy. But when my boyfriend plays video games he can literally sit there for HOURS without getting up to stretch, pee, get something to drink, etc. 

Let's just add this to the list of things that I don't understand about guys.
This list is getting long. 

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