Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I can't believe....

Linking up with Robin @ The Sunshine Diary today!
I can't believe ... that March is almost over. I feel like it just started! Time is flying! It's decently warm here today and it's putting me in such a good mood. I am definitely a warm weather type girl.
I can't believe ... Chad woke me up this morning and suggested we go for a run. We did and then proceeded to do ab workouts for a half hour. I'm pooped but feel so refreshed. I missed the way I felt after a good workout.
I can't believe ... I have to drive 45 minutes for a second interview tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that this only means good things!
I can't believe ... how delicious these honey wheat bagels we bought the other day are. I'm not usually a "honey-anything" type person but yum!
I can't believe ... I know I already basically said this but I seriously can't believe how awesome I feel after working out. I feel so positive today. I think it also helps that I got this second interview tomorrow and I'm really hoping and praying good things are coming.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Change of Name

I've decided to renew my blog into a much more positive place. My original blog name? Seemed lazy. My past posts? Seemed lazy. Then I realized how lazy I really am sometimes. Then I realized how being lazy isn't helping me at all. So I've decided to refresh my little space of internet. I'm currently on my pursuit of happiness. I mean aren't we all? But in the past almost two years now things have just been going down hill. Too much and too fast. I feel like I really need to get out there and explore myself and who I am and find what makes me happy... what makes me tick.
Often times I beat myself up because I don't know what I want to do with my life. I don't feel as if college is for me and I don't have a "bright future" planned at this point. I'm working as a server in a place I pretty much hate and I'm job searching like crazy. But it doesn't feel as if I'm getting anywhere. I feel stuck. I feel like maybe there just isn't a path for me. And I HATE feeling like that.
I know that it's okay to not always know what you want and where your going. And sometimes as hard as it is you just sort of have to sit down, shut up and enjoy the music on the ride. Lately, I've been feeling as if I need to just trust in God's plan for me and believe that even if I feel so lost sometimes he does have a plan for me. There's a reason I'm on this earth. There's plenty of things I am good at. There's plenty of reason to push forward and to find my niche in life. So I'm trying my best to keep my head up and to wait for God's timing and God's plan.
I can't say it's easy. And I can't say that I don't question things at times. But I feel that I'm doing all that I can do. And I just need to leave it up to God now.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

I'm back and linking up with my weekend shenanigans. This weekend was nothing short of awesome... If awesome means uneventful and boring. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of working a Monday -Friday 9-5 type job (ohhh how I wish) and instead I'm a server and weekends are the most stressful, hectic and crazy times for a restaurant. But it's the only days you actually make money at this time of year. Or so that's how it's supposed to be but I work at a restaurant that doesn't quite have it together therefor, I don't make anywhere near as much as I should. (or how much other servers at other restaurants make) Friday Chad and I slept in a little later then usual and lounged around for the rest of the day. I went into work at 4 and we weren't busy much at all so I was out of there by 930. Well, I would have been out much sooner but my partner wasn't into helping with cleaning our section or doing our side work so what usually would take about 30-40 minutes to finish took me an hour and a half because homegirl did not want to help me whatsoever... So I did it alone. When I got home it was almost 10 and Chad was disappointed that I got out so late after getting cut. (I was cut at 8 and text him to let him know I'll be out soon...but I didn't leave till 9:30)

Slightly messy but a free self manicure? Can't beat that.
Little did I know but he wanted to go see a movie at 10. So I checked the time of the movie on my fandango app real quick and realized the movie time was actually 10:20. We had plenty of time. So I quick threw on some sweatpants and we headed to the local theater. We saw Olympus has Fallen and let me just say it was GREAT. Seriously, I'm a fan of Gerard Butler (Hello ;] ) so that was most of the reason I had agreed to go but I also was hearing great reviews so I was actually intrigued. It was a really great action packed movie. Seriously ladies, you will enjoy it. I didn't find myself bored at any point and I have a short attention span so usually I get bored in movies VERY easily but I was very interested and very entertained. Go see it!

Work Shirts are sexy. & Mostly what Chad did when he wasn't working.
Don't think I've mentioned it yet but Chad got an awesome job at a shooting range literally 5 minutes from our apartment as a safety instructor. What a perfect job for a infantry man. So Saturday and Sunday Chad had to work 9:30 - 6. And I had to work at 6pm on Saturday. So this left me for a lot of "me" time this weekend. Saturday I lounged. I watched a little Kim and Kourtney take Miami marathon, painted my nails, ate some yogurt and pineapple and then went to work at 6pm where I made barely anything and was getting screwed over by fellow co-workers so I left feeling pretty discouraged. Sunday picked up taco night items and then headed up to my dads to pick up my laptop finally. After, I came home prepared for dinner and started making some changes on the blog. (Which I'm still in the process of working on.) Chad came home around 6, we ate dinner, watched Once Upon A Time and lounged around until bedtime. There you have it, my wonderful weekend.


Sunday, March 24, 2013


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

To anyone still reading...

Well, my computer took an unexpected turn for the worst and had a huge meltdown.  Luckily, I have a computer tech father so he redid my whole laptop and even put some pretty cool programs on it for me. So, I am back and here to stay. But please be patient with me because I've also decided to give my blog a much needed makeover. Thank you for being patient!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hayden turns one! (Weekend Review)

 My dad took most of the pictures on his fancy shmancy camera so for now you'll have to settle for instagram/iphone pictures

What was my weekend like? Well I'm glad you asked because it was ever so fab! (obviously that's why I've come here to tell you about it.) Alright, I'm only kidding my weekend was actually fairly boring. I had off work Saturday for the first time in a long time because I had to go to my niece's first birthday party. I was excited to have a Saturday night off for once but it was just the wrong Saturday. Chad had drill this weekend and on drill weekends he's an absolute party pooper. In bed by 9pm if not earlier. I mean I get he's tired it just sucks for me. Also, I really could have used the money this weekend so staying home watching some SVU and Chicago Fire and then scheduling some blog posts was all I could really do.

My Niece Hayden's 1st Birthday party was fun though. She's an absolutely adorable little girl and she's getting to that really fun age. I was "chasing" her telling her "I'm gonna get you" and she would giggle for hours. Sometimes she would even run to Uncle Chad to "save her" it was so adorable. She got so many fun outfits. I just love little girls. Sometimes I think I'd be truly disappointed if I could for some reason only have boys in the future. No really, I would be. I know I'd love my boys but ahhh I just love the adorable little outfits for little girls and the idea of mother/daughter dates. But then again, I've seen some seriously handsome boy outfits too and a mother/son date would be fun too. Anyways, totally off subject here but whatevs I can do that. It was a fun party. I hope it was all a one year old could ever dream of.

Sunday I spent some time at my dad's so he could look at my laptop and install a photo program for me. After Chad got out of drill we went over to his brothers for dinner. And that pretty much sums it up.

There you have it folks, my very interesting weekend.
How was your weekends?